La Bicicleta Verde

Specialists for "alternative" travel, based in Santiago de Chile. Alternative here also does mean "green" (as the company name suggests, which translates as "green bicycle"). Not only are they generally dedicated to sustainable tourism but also indeed offer many guided tours by bicycle (any yes, they are painted green as well). Guided walks and tours further afield by car, however, are also part of their portfolio. 
And they are of particular value to the dark tourist as well:
When preparing my own trips to Chile I found Bicicleta Verde an invaluable asset! Especially since I do not speak Spanish, planning things ahead independently proved too tricky for me to do on my own. So I was glad to find such a competent and responsive company in Bicicleta Verde.
In the end I took two of their regular guided walks (one of them their "human rights tour"), but also had them tailor additional tours for me according to my special specifications. One extra tour was to cover the Memorial Museum in Santiago, another included the Villa Grimaldi, which is difficult to access independently. Moreover they organized a new tour for me in Valparaiso, with a special focus on the dark sides, and it was also brilliant.
Though based in Santiago, the company is run by English speakers, so corresponding in English is no problem at all. Their Chilean guides also speak good English.
If you too end up booking a tour (or two or three) with them, PLEASE do make it clear that you found them through Not only would you help with the upkeep of this website that way, you may also benefit directly yourself (here's why).
Check out the La Bicicleta Verde website (especially the Human Rights tour - external links, opening in new windows) and for tailored arrangements email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.