Dark Destinations

This is the core of this site – its most comprehensive and thus most complex section, but also the one likely to see the most traffic.
To aid navigation you can browse by country – either by using the direct navigation links in the list on the left-hand side, or, if that does not display (as on smaller tablet or smart phone screens) use this link to a separate alphabetical country list
Alternatively you could also use this list of countries ordered by continent.
If you want to find a specific place within a certain country you could also go via the index (this can often be the quickest way).
If it is only certain categories of dark tourism you are interested in then you can browse by going to the page dark places ordered by category.
There's also a collection of lists (esp. Top-20) and a table of destinations grouped according to their darkometer ratings
Furthermore there are brief outlines of places not to be visited either because they're too dark or dangerous (see also ethical issues/health and safety) or simply because they no longer exist (lost places).
Those who want to find out more about what dark tourism is all about should go to this general section first.
And a few extras regarding travel in a non-dark sense can be found here.