Sponsors and partners wanted

Setting up this website has taken a considerable effort and maintaining, updating and expanding it continues to do so. It would be nice if in some way it would also pay off financially more than it has so far. Therefore I'd like to invite collaborators from the tourism industry who offer their clients products which touch upon dark tourism to co-operate as partners.
You too can benefit from being affiliated to this website. This can be through a wider network of affiliation programmes, or directly (e.g. through 'sponsored pages'). The principle in either case is: for leaving me a small slice of the profit generated through the partnership, you can have live links inserted that can pass potential customers on directly to you, the tour-operator specializing in a certain part of the world, or a booking agency and such like. All three sides (you, clients, and me) could benefit from such a set-up. That's a win-win-win situation. So what are you waiting for?
And if you could even see yourself directly sponsoring this site, then having a permanent advert placed in the main frames or any particularly relevant location on this site is also a possibility.
Please contact me if you are in any way interested in collaborating and/or supporting this site.