Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park

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UPDATE: I've recently visited this site and will update and vastly expand this chapter and give it a proper photo gallery too, all once I've processed all the material I gathered, which will take a bit of time. So please bear with me and check back again later. 
A former military justice academy complex in the south of Taipei that during the White Terror (see under Taiwan and 2-28 Museum) was used a military court and a detention centre for political prisoners. It closed in 1991.
In 2001 it was turned into a memorial and later became part of the National Human Rights Museum. The exhibition in the former barracks provides some insights into the life and hardships endured by the victims of this regime. And you can see the courtrooms, cell tracts, shackles and chains, workshops (for forced labour), the laundry, the canteen, the visitors room and other elements. English translations are provided.
I intend to visit this place on my Taiwan trip that is planned for the end of 2023. After that I will expand this entry to a full chapter. 
Opening times: Tuesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission free.
Location: at 131 Fusing Road, Taipei 23150.
Google Maps locator: [24.9881, 121.5323]