
Some also view as dark tourism those "Dungeons" enterprises that have sprung up in many cities (incl. London, York, Hamburg, Amsterdam, etc.). They're like the Disney-esque side of dark tourism. Many would consider this actually an integral part of the dark tourism industry. Maybe so …. certainly from a money-making perspective – which is evidently successful: the growth of the enterprise with new branches opening in several cities speaks for itself (and that despite the rather hefty admission prices).
But personally I don't find these "museums" quite real enough. I have been to a couple, but not in many years, especially since they have become even more theatrical. It's more a branch of modern-style kiddie-oriented amusement park or souped-up ghost train riding. Again: that's perfectly OK, I'm not saying that these places don't have a right to exist and thrive, business-wise. I also acknowledge that they can, perhaps must, be considered part of (the lighter side of) the dark tourism industry. But I'm just not interested in covering this in any more detail than a mention in passing.
Also note this crucial factor: these places are largely oriented towards portraying dark aspects of medieval times such as: the plague, and primitive medical practices; witchcraft and witch-hunts; the "legal system", including esp. ancient methods of torture; and so forth. So it can be argued that they fall outside the time-scale of the concept of dark tourism proper for that reason alone: they hardly touch on the modernity-associated framework of 'dark'.
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