"Dialogue in the Dark"

This is: literally in the dark. It's a concept of the educational entertainment industry, as it were, and is primarily aimed at raising disability awareness, in this case towards the blind (i.e. 'visually disabled', in language with PC-levels cranked up more). At the 'Dialogue-in-the-Dark' venues, non-blind visitors are led through various experiences by blind guides – and in rooms totally darkened. This way visitors can get a glimpse of what it is like to have to rely on one's other senses.
The Hamburg-based company that started running these "Dialogue-in-the-Dark" ventures now has several branches around the world (including Munich, Vienna, Singapore, Tokyo and Atlanta, USA).
An additional option and a particular highlight (if one can use the word "light" in this context) are the set meal "Taste of Darkness" dinners, supposed to be a particular treat for gourmets (as you have to concentrate exclusively on taste and texture and don't get distracted or misled by presentation).
Whether all this is to be taken as part of dark tourism is not so clear, though. In particular because 'dark' in all other instances of dark tourism is used as a metaphorical expression, indicating death and disaster (see what is dark tourism), not absence of light/vision. Therefore I'd rather stick to that non-literal understanding of 'dark' on these pages too (even if, on a secondary level, some dark tourism sites may also involve some actual darkness, esp. in underworld tourism).
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