
Apart from films and documentaries that pertain directly to dark tourism (see other sources), I also have a certain interest in film beyond that.
Just to provide the briefest of impressions, here's a list of my favourite movies of all time (I'm sure , though, that I must have forgotten a few in this list):
- "Brazil" (1985, dir. Terry Gilliam)
- "Alien" (1979), dir. Ridley Scott)
- "The Shining" (1980, dir. Stanley Kubrick)
- Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" (1983, dir. Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam)
- "Kyua" (1997, dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
- "Trading Places" (1983, dir. John Landis)
- "Cube" (1997, dir. Vincenzo Natali)
- "Dance of the Vampires" (1967, dir. Roman Polanski)
- "The Man who Fell to Earth" (1976, dir. Nicolas Roeg)
- "Life of Brian" (1979, dir. Terry Jones)
- "Four Lions" (2010, dir. Chris Morris)
- "Once Upon a Time in the West" (1968, dir. Sergio Leone)
- "Dead Man" (1995, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
- "Haze" (2005, dir. Shin'ya Tsukamoto)
- "2001 – a Space Odyssey" (1968, dir. Stanley Kubrick)
- "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975, dir. Milos Forman)
- "La Salaire de la Peur" (1953, dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot)
- "Donnie Darko" (2001, dir. Richard Kelly)
- "12 Monkeys" (1995, dir. Terry Gilliam)
- "Fight Club" (1999, dir. David Fincher)
- "Memento" (2000, dir. Christopher Nolan)
- "The Pianist" (2002, dir. Roman Polanski)
- "Don't Look Now" (1973, dir. Nicolas Roeg)
- "Soylent Green" (1973, dir. Richard Fleischer)
- "The Thing" (1982, dir. John Carpenter)
- "Duel" (1971, dir. Steven Spielberg)
- "The Hole" (2001, dir. Nick Hamm)
- "North by Northwest" (1959, dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
- "Local Hero" (1983, dir. Bill Forsyth)
- "Solaris" (1972, dir. Andrei Tarkovsky)
- "The Andromeda Strain" (1971, dir. Robert Wise)
- "Hannibal" (2001, dir. Ridley Scott)
- "1984" (1984, dir. Michael Radford)
- "Dark Star" (1974, dir. John Carpenter)
- "District 9" (2009, dir. Neill Blomkamp)
- "THX 1138" (1971, dir. George Lucas)
- "Pitch Black" (2000, dir. David Twohy)
- "Silver Streak" (1976, dir. Arthur Hiller)
- "Clockwise" (1986, dir. Christopher Morahan)
- "Star Trek IV – The Voyage Home" (1986, dir. Leonard Nimoy)
- "Good Bye Lenin!" (2003, dir. Wolfgang Becker)
- "Shaun of the Dead" (2004, dir. Edgar Wright)
- "The Birds" (1963, dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
- "The Third Man" (1949, dir. Carol Reed)
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