Amersfoort camp

Site of a small former concentration camp in the
Netherlands, during the time of
Nazi Germany's occupation of the country. The site is located near the town of the same name in the province of Utrecht. The camp was in use from 1941 until the end of
WWII and had the multiple functions of transit camp, labour camp and "Schutzhaftlager", literally 'protective custody' – a Nazi euphemism mainly for the internment of political prisoners. Over 32,000 victims are thought to have passed through the camp, many of whom were subsequently deported to other camps in the east.
Today the site is a national monument, open weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekends between April and September from 1 to 5 p.m. only. It includes a visitor centre, several memorials, an old watchtower and a few other relics – hardly anything remains of the original camp, though.
Address: Loes van Overeemlaan 19, NL-3832 RZ Leusden, email: info(at)